Pharmaceuticals by Aeras of Focus
‣ Emergency Medicine
‣ Family Medicine
‣ Anesthesia and Reanimation
‣ Brain and Nerve Surgery
‣ Child Health and Diseases
‣ Dermatology
‣ Dentist
‣ Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases
‣ Infectious Diseases
‣ Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
‣ Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
‣ Physiotherapy
‣ Gastroenterology
‣ General Surgery
‣ Geriatrics
‣ Interventional Radiology
‣ Thoracic Surgery
‣ Eye Diseases
‣ Internal diseases
‣ Gynecology and Obstetrics
‣ Cardiovascular Surgery
‣ Ear Nose Throat
‣ Nephrology
‣ Orthopedics and Traumatologyi
‣ Psychiatry
‣ Sports Medicine
‣ Complementary Medicine
‣ Urology