This Application Form, 7has been prepared in compliance with the Law of Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as the “Law”) with enactment number 6698 which was published in the Official Gazette dated 7th April, 2016 and numbered 29677 and also in compliance with the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Applying to the Data Controller which was published in the Official Gazette dated 10th March, 2018 and numbered 30356. With this Application Form you will be considered to have applied to Assos İlaç, Kimya, Gıda Ürünleri, Üretim ve Tic. A.Ş. which has the title of Data Controller within the scope of application right given to you pursuant to article 11 of the Law.Name and Last Name | |
TR Identity No/Passport No | |
Notification Address | |
Telephone Number/E-mail Address | |
Subject of the Demand |
Pursuant to the 1st paragraph of article 13 of the Law, you can transmit your demand to Assos İlaç by using one of the below given methods; 1.with a wet signed application letter to our office at the address of Huzur Mahallesi Tosya Caddesi no:5 34773 Ümraniye, İstanbul,
2.By writing to our registered e-mail address assos@hs03.kep.trputting the expression “Demand for Information within the scope of the Law of Protection of Personal Data” in the caption of “Subject”,
3.By writing to our registered e-mail address putting the expression “Demand for Information within the scope of the Law of Protection of Personal Data” in the caption of “Subject”.
Even though no charges may be requested with respect to the demands, in the event that the process requires Assos to incur costs, a charge may be requested within the tariff fixed by the Personal Data Protection Board.
Again, we would like to remind you that additional verifications may be required by Assos İlaç for the confirmation of the correctness of your identity information. Within this scope the personal information required are processed and used for the purposes of identity verification and fulfillment of legal responsibility within the scope of the law.
In your written application the date on your application letter is your application date to us as the data controller. In your applications that you have made by employing the other methods the date when you application reaches us as the data controller will be considered as your application date. We kindly ask you to attach your information and documentation, if any, to your application.